This Day in History (7-May-1907) – The First Electric Tramway service commenced in Bombay (Mumbai)

A contract for construction of Tramways was given to Stearns and Kitteredge in 1873. They were to run the lines for 21 years after which electric trams were introduced. The first trams, between Parel and Colaba were drawn by teams of six to eight horses. When the tramways started in 1874, Stearnes and Kitteredge had a stable of 900 horses.

In 1905, a newly formed concern, “The Bombay Electric Supply & Tramways Company Limited” bought the Bombay Tramway Company. The order for the first electric tram-car had been placed with the Brush Electrical Company of London. The vehicle arrived in Mumbai in January 1906 and the first electrically operated tram-car appeared on Mumbai’s roads in 1907. There used to be an Upper Class in the tram-cars; it was removed by September 1909. The passing years aggravated the problem of rush-hour traffic and to ease the situation, double decker trams were introduced in September, 1920.

The night of March 31, 1964 was highly sentimental for lakhs of Mumbaikars as they bid adieu to the trams which had ferried them for 90 years.


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